GSA operates under affiliations with both US Youth Soccer and US Club Soccer which gives us the opportunity to offer a wide array of programs. From recreational programming that very rarely leaves the park nearest you (practices and games are all at the same location) to the most elite National competition platforms and everything in between, we model our programming over the various needs of our community!


If your player is new to soccer, start with a recreational program for at least one season, either fall or spring. This will allow you to determine your player's interest in the sport, your family's ability to manage the scheduling and decide if recreation is the right level of competition. You can find more information on our website under Programs -> Recreational Soccer. From there locate the appropriate location and age group for your player to get more information. We have provided links here to those pages as well: 

GSA East - Conyers: 1780 Old Salem Rd, Conyers, GA 30013

4U Soccer Sprouts(CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO) - for 3-year old players
5U - 19U Recreation (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO) - for 4 through 18 year old players

GSA North - Dacula: 400 Rabbit Hill Rd, Dacula, GA 30019 
4U Soccer Sprouts (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO) - for 3-year old players
5U - 19U Recreation (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO) - for 4 through 18 year old players

GSA South - Lilburn: 
925 Cole Road, Lilburn, GA 30047
4U Soccer Sprouts (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO) - for 3-year old players
5U - 19U Recreation (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO) - for 4 through 18 year old players

If your player has played a season or more of recreational soccer and you feel he/she might be ready for a more challenging environment, consider reaching out to our administrator ( to see what the next steps are as outlined below.


  • Recreational: Recreational programs are for youth players 4U - 19U (see below for explanation of age groups) and are geared towards players who want to play "just for fun." Teams are not selected using tryouts and players are never "cut." Training time is minimal each week and teams are scheduled for one game a week. Teams are parent volunteer coached.


  • Fall Rec Registration Begins - The first Saturday in May
  • Spring Rec Registration Begins - The first Saturday in November
  • Fall Team continuity deadline - N/A; all teams are redrafted
  • Spring Team continuity deadline - December 31st
  • 5U-19U Rec Practices Start - Last week of August (Fall) & February (Spring)
  • First Rec Games - Early September (Fall) and Early March (Spring)
  • 4U Soccer Sprouts Begins - Mid-September (Fall) and MId-March (Spring)

For Spring Season ONLY: U16-U19 Boys and Girls can receive a full refund (less processing fees) if they make a high school soccer team if they notify the relevant director in writing by the 3rd Monday in January.

Questions? Email

  • Academy: Academy programs are competitive select soccer programs designed for younger players. Academy programs are for the 9U- 12U age groups (see below for explanation of age groups). We also offer Junior Academy programs for 7U and 8Uplayers. Teams are formed using tryouts, though the primary objective of these programs is player development. Training time is greater than recreational programs. There are more games per season, including tournaments, than recreational teams. Teams are coached by professional coaches; most with college and/or professional experience.

  • Select: This is the term for the competitive players in age groups 13U to 19U. These teams are formed by tryouts and the focus is split between development and competition. Training time is greater than recreational programs. There are more games per season, including tournaments, than recreational teams. Teams are coached by professionally, licensed coaches.

  • Southeastern Clubs Champions League (SCCL): Regional and local level league play for boys and girls from ages 11U-19U. The SCCL provides an exclusive local and regional level platform for select, top clubs in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina without players having to forgo playing High School soccer. GSA will roster teams for 11U and older players each fall season. Teams train 2-3 times per week and dedication to the program is a must. Travel outside our state is minimal. Teams will participate in College Showcases and other high level regional tournaments as well as competing for a National Championship as part of the US Club Soccer “National Cup”.

  • Elite Clubs National League (ECNL): Elite national level programs for boys and girls. The ECNL provides an exclusive National level platform for select top clubs across the country without players having to forgo playing High School soccer. Gwinnett Soccer Academy will roster teams for 14U and older players each fall season. Training time is extensive and dedication to the program is a must. Travel can be extensive and teams will cross state borders on a regular basis for events.

  • Elite Clubs National League - Regional League (ECNL RL): Elite regional level programs for boys and girls. The ECNL RL provides an exclusive National level platform for select top clubs across the country without players having to forgo playing High School soccer. The ECNL RL league differs from the ECNL format by reducing travel.  GSA will roster teams for 13U and older players each fall season. Training time is extensive and dedication to the program is a must.

  • Adult Soccer: These programs are for players over the age of 19. These leagues may be further defined by age and no youth age players will be allowed.


Find your age group quickly and see an overview of the basic information. Youth soccer age groups are determined by the YEAR your child was born "birth year". Please see the chart below to find out into which age group your youth player will fall. Please note that some age groups in recreation programs may be combined in order to facilitate appropriate team sizes. Our registration system will place your player in the appropriate age group automatically. The below age groups are for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 seasonal year.

Age Group Birth Year Game Format Game Management Goalkeeper Practice Per Week Practice Duration Ball Size Uniform Cost Early Bird Registration Fees
4U Fall Player must be 3 by 9/1/2021 Soccer Starts New Ball - Weekend session only - 3 Included $109 $119
4U Spring Player must be 3 by 12/31/2021 Soccer Starts New Ball - Weekend session only - 3 Included $109 $119
5U 2020 3v3 New Ball N 1 45 – 60 mins 3 See Below $140 $160
6U 2019 3v3 New Ball N 1 45 – 60 mins 3 See Below $140 $160
7U 2018 4v4 Ref + Restarts N 1 1 hr 3 See Below $145 $160
8U 2017 5v5 Ref + Restarts Y 2 1 hr 3 See Below $150 $170
9U 2016 7v7 Ref + Restarts Y 2 1 hr 4 See Below $150 $170
10U 2015 7v7 Ref + Offsides Y 2 1 hr 4 See Below $150 $170
12U 2014-2013 9v9 Ref + Offsides Y 2 1 hr 4 See Below $160 $180
14U, 16U & 19U 2012-2006 11v11 Ref + Offsides Y 2 1 hr 5 See Below $170 $190
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