GSA has partnered with the Southeastern Clubs Champions League, The SCCL. The SCCL has been known for its well-ran platform created with clubs in mind. GSA is proud to offer yet another summer program option for Metro Atlanta. The SCCL Summer League is a tryout-based program, so interested players should register for and attend our 2024 SCCL Summer League Tryouts on February 23rd (times, date, and locations to be updated soon).

We will offer Summer League programming at each of our 3 locations (East/Conyers, North/Dacula, and South/Lilburn).  Tryouts will be held as listed in the tables below.

Note:  We are hosting the North and South Tryouts at the same location and will separate teams by location as long as there is enough interest/participating to do so.

To register for tryouts, please login to your PlayMetics account and search for Summer League Tryouts. Please use the direct registration link below to access the PlayMetrics system. We recommend downloading the PlayMetrics app first as the registration system is app based making it extremely simple to register from any device!

Apple Store App:

Android Google Play App:


Tryouts Cost:  FREE

Cost (if selected):  $375 (Uniform not included in price) payment plans will be available. We will use the 2024-25 GSA uniform kit, so if you already have that kit there is nothing to purchase.

Training Begins:  Week of June 3rd

Games Begin:  The weekend of June 8th; expect 7-10 games.

Last weekend of Games:  The weekend of July 27th

Number of practices per week:   1 practice for 1.5 hours per week

Tryout Times and Tryout Locations: Sunday, February 23rd

AGE Boys Staff (East) Time Location
2016/2015 Edel Ramos 6:30 pm Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2014 Jacob Clontz 6:30 pm Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2013 Stuart Heath 6:30 pm Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2012 Jayden Quamina 6:30 pm Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2011 Edel Ramos 6:30 pm Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2010 TBA 6:30 pm Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2009-2007 Alex Louis 6:30 pm Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
Age Girls Staff (East) Time Location
2016/2015 Joey Logan 5:00 p.m. Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2014 Joey Logan 5:00 p.m. Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2013 Joey Logan 5:00 p.m. Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2012 Dusty Fouser 5:00 p.m. Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2011 Dusty Fouser 5:00 p.m. Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2010 Ernesto Dailey 5:00 p.m. Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex
2009-2007 Ernesto Dailey 5:00 p.m. Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex

Address for EAST Tryouts at Rockdale Youth Soccer Complex: 1780 Old Salem Rd, Conyers, GA

AGE Boys Staff (North / South) Time Location
2016/2015 Marcus Araujo / Bryan Dominguez 6:30 pm Rabbit Hill Park
2014 Ervin Krantic / Bryan Dominguez 6:30 pm Rabbit Hill Park
2013 Julio Mejia / Pablo Piraquive 6:30 pm Rabbit Hill Park
2012 Sale Salihovic / Pablo Piraquive 6:30 pm Rabbit Hill Park
2011 Sale Salihovic / Ian Dotson 6:30 pm Rabbit Hill Park
2010 Julio Mejia / Ian Dotson 6:30 pm Rabbit Hill Park
2009-2007 Ondrej Chlebek / George Marwaha 6:30 pm Rabbit Hill Park
Age Girls Staff (North/South) Time Location
2016/2015 Shezti Hue / Jessie Luna 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Hill Park
2014 Shezti Hue / George Marwaha 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Hill Park
2013 Ashlynne Bass / Julio Alvarez 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Hill Park
2012 Chad Maddox / Jessie Luna 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Hill Park
2011 Roger Zavala / Julio Alvarez 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Hill Park
2010 Chad Maddox / Ashlynne Bass 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Hill Park
2009-2007 Ashlynne Bass 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Hill Park

Address for North/South Tryouts at Rabbit Hill Park: 400 Rabbit Hill Road, Dacula, GA 30019

Age Group Birth Year Format
U10 2016/15 9v9
U11 2014 9v9
U12 2013 11v11
U13 2012 11v11
U14 2011 11v11
U15 2010 11v11
U19 2009-2007 11v11

Registration Instructions for New PlayMetrics Users

All new users must create an account through PlayMetrics in order to register for any of our 2024-25 programs (this includes Rec, Academy/Select, Summer League, Summer Camps, etc).

Create an Account HERE

  1. Click Create an Account and fill out the appropriate information. You will be asked to enter an email address and create a password.
  2. After verifying your email address, you will be prompted to complete your Parent or Guardian account.
  3. Complete the player information for each child you plan to register.
  4. Based on the player information provided, you will be shown a list of programs available to each player.
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